GianCescon is an anthropic, left-handed freelancer of the creative world. A problem solver for most people: his ability to understand culture and human behaviour through marketing make his work excel through the overrated media business.
His life
Gianluca Cescon, son of a Dominican mother and an Italian father, was born in Latisana, Italy. Later on, he moved to the Dominican Republic where he eventually grew up. He lived a life crashed by the collision of two different cultures and, as a consequence, developed and passion and an understanding for traveling, discovering and getting to know different places’ cultures and their surroundings.
Gianluca developed many talents through the years such as graphic design, painting, music, and photography. However, what made him excel the most was his “cross cultural competence”: the ability to understand people and culture with effectiveness. In 2010, Gianluca was able to startup his own graphic design company while still in school. The way that he solved other’s problems in the graphic design field and his ability to sell himself in the business made him a highly valued competitor in the creative world while still balancing his responsibilities as a student. After graduating, he traveled the world for a year to discover the wonders of culture and how to apply them in business for advertising and marketing purposes.
Gianluca is currently living Vancouver, BC, working as a photographer, graphic designer, community manager, and marketing strategist. He is surrounded by multicultural trends, giving him the effectiveness to solve creative problems within society by putting his cultural understandings to effect.